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Husks Green offers a wide range of modern eco-living products for the home. These include Kitchen Essentials, Tableware Collections, Kids Dining Products, and Executives On-The-Go Dining Kit.

Husks Green products are all made from the humble rice husk. Through the Incredible HuskTM formulations, the Husks Green and Husk’sWare products were created. Each of these products are tested and certified as biodegradable and compostable. With the topping of the natural Silica contents on the finishing end, our products are given the extra strength and covering.

Yes, they are all biodegradable. Scientifically, biodegradation means compounds that can be decomposed by bio-organisms and returned to earth for natural biological cycle.

No, the biodegradation process needs soil, sunlight, a certain amount of bio-organisms, water, etc. Thus, Husks Green products will not start biodegrading during daily usage.

On average, it is about two years for home usage, restaurants or hotel usage, depending on the frequency of use.

The glossy coated surface of the products known as silica will fade and turn into a lighter color after a long period of usage but the function will not be affected. When the surface turns rough and becomes uncomfortable to use, it might be considered unusable.

Husks Green products are made from natural plant fibers and do not contain any plasticizer. The products must be kept within -30°C to 120°C. It should not be soaked in liquid for more than 72 hours. It is not cooking ware but dining ware and it is not designed for direct fire.

The glossy surface of Husks Green products is Silica (SiO2), which is a natural substance from rice husk. It used to protect the rice inside the hull from bacteria. We extract its ability of hull into Husks Green products to seal the gap between fibers , able them resist to bacteria and heat. Husks Green products are made out from high-pressure thermal molding production, its smooth and glossy surface are depending on it mold. The glossiness is from plant, it will fade and appear coarse on daily usage but does not harm users.



Depends country and on delivery method. Malaysia delivery time: 2-3 working days Southeast-Asia delivery time: 4-6 working days International delivery time: 10-12 working days

No. Unless product is damaged upon receive. Requires picture proof to be sent to info@husksgreen.com